Here you can access a list of unofficial English-language translations of laws of the Republic of Croatia. This list was compiled during the CARDS 2002 Twinning Project entitled " Reform of the Croatian Court System". Some laws were translated in the course of the CARDS project, while other translations were acquired thanks to the courtesy of the organizations and institutions listed below:
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia
- HIDRA – The Croatian Information Documentation Referral Agency
- The State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia
- The British Council and the Croatian Chamber of Economy
- Other CARDS projects funded by the European Union
Please note that these translations are provisional and therefore do NOT represent the official documents of the Republic of Croatia as they confer no rights and impose no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published in the Official Gazette. Any misinterpretations or issues raised should be clarified by referring to the Croatian-language originals published in the Official Gazette at
| Act on Job Placement and Unemployment Insurance |
| | Zakon o posredovanju pri zapošljavanju i pravima za vrijeme nezaposlenosti | | | |
| Act on Preventing the Conflict of Interest in Exercise of Public Office |
| | Zakon o sprječavanju sukoba interesa u obnašanju javnih dužnosti | | | |
| Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences |
| | Zakon o odgovornosti pravnih osoba za kaznena djela | | | |
| Act on the State Attorney's Office |
| | Zakon o državnom odvjetništvu | | | |
| Administrative Disputes Act |
| | Zakon o upravnim sporovima | | | |
| Civil Obligations Act |
| | Zakon o obveznim odnosima | | | |
| Civil Procedure Act |
| | Zakon o parničnom postupku | | | |
| Civil Servants Act |
| | Zakon o državnim službenicima | | | |
| Constitutional Law on the Rights of Minorities |
| | Ustavni zakon o pravima nacionalnih manjina | | | |
| Criminal Procedure Act |
| | Zakon o kaznenom postupku | | | |
| Decision on costs in Arbitration and Conciliation Proceedings |
| | Odluka o troškovima u postupcima arbitraže i mirenja | | | |
| Judiciary Act (Law on Courts) |
| |
| Juvenile Courts Act |
| | Zakon o sudovima za mladež | | | |
| Land Registration Act |
| | Zakon o zemljišnim knjigama | | | |
| Law on Arbitration (Arbitration Act) |
| |
| Law on the Croatian Chamber of Economy |
| | Zakon o Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori | | | |
| Law on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law |
| | Zakon o primjeni statuta Međunarodnog kaznenog suda i progonu za kaznena djela protiv međunarodnog ratnog i humanitarnog prava | | | |
| Law on the Legal Profession |
| |
| Law on the Office for the Supression of Corruption and Organized Crime |
| | Zakon o Uredu za suzbijanje korupcije i organiziranog kriminaliteta (USKOK) | | | |
| Law on the Ombudsman for Children |
| | Zakon o pravobranitelju za djecu | | | |
| Law on the Ombudsman |
| | Zakon o pučkom pravobranitelju | | | |
| Law on the Right of Access to Information |
| | Zakon o pravu na pristup informacijama | | | |
| Law on the State Judiciary Council |
| | Zakon o državnom sudbenom vijeću | | | |
| Order on Internal Organization of the Ministry of Justice |
| | Uredba o unutarnjem ustrojstvu Ministarstva pravosuđa | | | |
| Rules of Arbitration of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy |
| | Pravilnik o arbitraži pri Stalnom izbranom sudištvu Hrvatske gospodarske komore | | | |
| Rules of conciliation of the Croatian Chamber of Economy |
| |
| Rules of International Arbitration of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy |
| | Pravilnik o rješavanju sporova s međunarodnim elementom pred stalnim izbranim sudištem pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori (Zagrebačka Pravila) | | | |