Neri Radas, LL.M.

Justice at the Civil Department of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia

 Personal data:

Date of birth:  1966
Place of birth:  Zagreb, Republic of Croatia

Education and qualifications:

2012  Received the Master of Law degree from the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Law in the field of civil and civil procedure law
1992  Passed the Bar exam
1990  Graduated from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb
1983 - 1985  Administrative and Judiciary Affaires School, Zagreb
1981 - 1983  Language Education Centre in Zagreb
1973 - 1981  Primary education in Zagreb

Judicial experience:

since 1st December 2024  Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia
2022 - 2024 Judge of the County Court in Zagreb temporarily assigned to work at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia
2011 - 2024 Judge of the County Court in Zagreb, Civil Department
2004 - 2011 Judge of the County Court in Zlatar, Civil Department
1993 - 2004

Judge of the Municipal Court in Zagreb, Civil Department

Head of the Group for Damage Compensation (2003-2004)
1992 - 1993 Court Advisor at the Municipal Court in Zagreb
1991 - 1992 Judicial Apprentice at the County Court in Zagreb
1990 - 1991 Volunteer Judicial Apprentice at the County Court in Zagreb

Membership in legal bodies and associations:

Member of the Association of Croatian Judges
Member of the Judicial panel of the Municipal Court in Zlatar
Participated in the work of election committees
Advisor to the Managing director of the Judicial Academy in the field of civil and commercial law (2010-2011)
Head of the Research and Development Division of the Judicial Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia (2008-2010)

Other activities:

Head of a number of workshops in the Lifelong professional development programme for judges and state attorneys in the field of civil, civil procedure and family law as well as in the field of European Union law
Head of a number of workshops in the Initial professional development programme for apprentices organised by the Judicial Academy in the field of civil, civil procedure and family law
Lecturer in the State School for Judicial Officials in the field of civil and civil procedure law
Member of the working group for Enforcement Act drafting
Participant at conferences, seminars, workshops, expert meetings, roundtable discussions, etc. in the field of civil and civil procedure law, convention law and European Union law as well as at international legal conferences, seminars and study visits

Mentor to judicial apprentices and court advisors
Author of educational materials of the Judicial Academy
vrh stranice